Something self indulgent.

Lately I have no head space for writing. I used to have to carry a notebook everywhere, to jot down the perpetual words chasing each other through my mind. Well crafted phrases used to form themselves almost spontaneously, autonomously.
Now I struggle even to speak the way I think.

I would like to exercise my brain muscle more, but of late it is my heart doing all the work.

Funnily enough, I am feeling the most creatively satisfied I have in a long time, and I'm basking in this subtle sense of... shall we call it career enjoyment? Even though there is no massive career to speak of, there's something empowering about getting up everyday and working on my own projects, flexing some creative control, and not answering to anybody else about ANYTHING.

When I was styling for the magazine, there was absolutely nothing pleasant about the situation. I was everybody's bitch - picking things up, dropping things off, and fitting my vision somewhere inside somebody else's creative box. Starting the eBay store has really helped my hone my styling and photography skills (even though they're both still pretty amateur), and starting some oufit self-photography has made me more aware of what I put on each morning. That might seem like a simple thing to most people, but I'm a firm believer in style being an art for those who can't draw or play an instrument.

Exciting things on the horizon:
- Styling the lookbook for Matt's new T-shirt line
- Potentially doing some styling for Jeremy's denim label, Billycock
- Giving Kiss My Button Vintage a design overhaul
- Decluttering my life/house

I still want to finish the picture book at some point this year, but I'd rather let it come naturally than pressure myself into writing something of merit. Is that a cop out? Possibly.... I'm just so disillusioned with parenting, schooling, NAPLAN testing, and countless other things, that I'd like to just take a step back from anything kid-related for a little while.
I'll come back to it when I'm fresh for it... I promise.

And then I can write something as good as this:

This week is an exercise in relaxation. I intend on hanging out with my mum, brainstorming some ideas for Matt's shoot, working on my eBay store, learning some Photoshop with Simon, and watching some LOST with Adam.

And if this is any indication, I might even manage to bang out some more written words.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written my dear, bad proof reading though, and you forgot to add going to gym with tim
