I've been keeping a paper journal, so there will be some long, hopefully interesting travel blogging to come when I have a little more Internet time than the five minutes I have right now.

But, in this immediate second:
I am in Israel and I am still as emotional as ever, perhaps moreso. Everything I see or hear gets me choked up and I've spilled tears more than once.
For Adam, for Israel, for my history, for kids who drop their icecreams.

I'm sitting at the computer with my eyes welling right now.
Will I ever stop being a flood?

Moment of honesty:
I wish you hadn't joined facebook.
I wish I hadn't read your blog.
I miss us terribly.

1 comment:

  1. Was it the Dr.Dooom post? that one could bring tears to even the hardest tree lopping men, with lines like "You niggas run around with ears open like bunny rabbits" - powerful stuff.

    I miss us too, but you're in ISRAEL!!! Get with it, swallow something and get happy!

    Take "photo" like tourista.

    Challenge yourself by trekking in Crocs.

    Write big fat letters and mail them to people... me first.

    Invent the "hashem hi-five", and tell me what it is.

    I kind of wish I hadn't joined facebook. It sadly reminds me of how little my digital network is, and how boring we can all be.

    Ok... eat and Kosher Cheeseburger for me, or if it's too hard for you, ask Timothy to do it.

